Empathetic and Intuitive Life and Career Coaching 

Contract Program and Project Management Services

When tea and sympathy is no longer enough, it is time for Tea and Strategy!  Helping individuals and organizations strategically use their resources and energy for maximum impact in alignment with their core values.

Life and career coaching with a focus on the following areas:

Career transitions, especially focused on the why of change, as well as practical steps for those who are

Job application and interview support, especially for those who have resume gaps, including

Adult ADHD

Finding and utilizing administrative support as you grow your business or streamline your current roles.

Holding space for those walking through a painful period of grief or a season of major change in their personal or professional lives.

All photos property of R Wiggins

Program Management offerings:

Support of current programming with an eye to streamlining offerings and promoting more engaged participants.  Services include: 

Project Management offerings:

Support of ongoing and new personal, professional, and business projects, including:

Your Coach

Dr. Rebecca Wiltberger Wiggins is a hedonist with a deep love of complex challenges.  This has led her on a circuitous work journey that started with a custom sewing business, moved into nonprofit administrative support, through graduate study in English literature and composition, into (and out of) the college and high school classroom, alongside US Coast Guard acquisition teams, and finally, here, to walk with you in your journey.

As a woman from a working-class family background, she has first-hand experience learning how to navigate organizational politics as a rank outsider, building reciprocal mentoring relationships for professional growth, and trying to translate her experiences in business and academia for her family and friends back home.